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Writer's pictureBethany Santiago

Can Omnipod 5 Help Improve A1C Levels? Real User Experiences:

The Omnipod 5 helps you keep your A1C in check - this is important because it's a key metric for managing diabetes. It's an indication of what your average blood sugar is over a two to three month period and therefore helps you understand if your current regimen is effective or needs to be adjusted.

Omnipod 5 insulin delivery device

The Omnipod 5 insulin pump is an insulin delivery device with amazing features such as automated insulin delivery and is integrated with a continuous glucose monitor, now the Dexcom G6, the Dexcom G7, and the Libre 2+. This integration makes it a “hybrid closed loop system”.

The system eliminates the need to take all external injections, including basal insulin. With the automated insulin delivery, those on Omnipod 5 can rely solely on the pump to receive basal insulin. The basal insulin is adjusted every 5 minutes based on the sensor glucose value and the person's insulin needs. 

This system has helped so many people where it has a very targeted algorithm and it increases the insulin when needed and suspends the insulin when it detects it's going below target within an hour. 

Let’s explore the Omnipod 5 insulin delivery system and understand whether it can help improve A1C levels based on real user experiences.

Understanding A1C and Its Role in Diabetes Management

The A1C is pretty significant for diabetics and usually type 1s have it done every 3-6 months, again as a tracker for the efficacy of their current regimen. 

It reflects an average blood sugar long term, over a period of 2-3 months and the target is usually below 7%, although this does vary between different people depending on activity, age, and personal preference. 

It can be very challenging to achieve and sustain optimal A1C levels as there are many factors that are involved in the management and maintenance of blood sugar control.


As most of us can relate to, it can be very difficult to maintain healthy lifestyle choices such as consistent exercise, healthy nutritional intake, and optimal sleep patterns. For those with diabetes, the impact is greater as things beyond human control such as illness also impact glucose levels. 

Omnipod 5 in addition to healthy lifestyle results in A1C reduction

In addition to all of this, it is essential for complete medication adherence, especially for insulin dependent type 1’s, and then there is also the potential barrier of technology and all that comes with this. 

Although technology has helped in the maintenance of blood sugar immensely, it adds a level of difficulty, especially if support is scarce. 

Omnipod 5: How It Works 

What is Omnipod 5?

The Omnipod 5 is a tubeless automated insulin delivery (AID) system that integrates with some of the leading sensor brands (Dexcom G6, Dexcom G7, and Libre 2+) and is FDA approved for type 1’s age 2 and older as well as type 2’s 18 years and older.

It is the first AID system to be approved for type 2 adults which is opening up the opportunity for over 6 million people who could benefit from this system. 

This system comes with a tubeless pod (where the insulin is held) with SmartAdjust technology. This connects to the sensor of choice, Dexcom G6, G7, or Libre 2+ and automatically adjusts insulin every 5 minutes which helps to protect against lows and highs and to better manage glucose levels all around. 

It comes with a Controller that has the app integrated and which is programmed with all pump settings, by your Doctor or diabetes educator. The Controller connects to the pod and communicates with it when you need to take a bolus (meal time insulin or correction dose). 

Omnipod 5's Role in A1C Management:

Being on the Omnipod 5 enables the user to stop taking all external insulin injections (both basal and bolus), often eliminating 3-6 injections/day and integrating all insulin delivery to be received from one device, which is changed every 3 days. 

This is extremely helpful for those struggling with medication adherence and decision fatigue. 

One of the greatest features of this system is its ability to predict glucose levels 60 minutes into the future, enabling the system to act preemptively to protect against severe lows or highs. 

With the advanced features of this system, it has immense potential to improve glucose control through the more accurate and targeted insulin delivery. It provides the user with continuous data feedback, a reduced risk of hypoglycemia, and it is extremely user friendly. 

Real User Experiences with Omnipod 5 

Podder #1 - Colin was a newly diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes at age 20:

  • He went to the hospital with symptoms of hyperglycemia at the age of 18 and was treated for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). There, he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. His A1C at the time of diagnosis was 10.9. He had no idea where to start and upon discharge from the hospital, was sent to the hospital's diabetes clinic, where he and I met.

  • Here, we went over all the information necessary to get a newly diagnosed type 1 up and running; this includes, but is not limited to: DKA symptoms and treatments, insulin dosing for bolus/rapid acting insulin with target glucose, insulin sensitivity factors (ISF), and insulin to carb rations (ICR), as well as basal dosing. Sick day rules, ketone testing, emergency glucagon, and the list goes on. Needless to say, he was tired and overwhelmed, but he truly kicked butt and with the support of his parents, they jumped into action.

  • It took less than a week of him being on multiple daily injections (MDI) for us to realize (with his extremely active and busy lifestyle, starting college at the end of the Summer, and his eating habits) that insulin stacking would be an issue and he would end up playing the guessing game. 

  • At this time, we decided, despite his very recent diagnosis and the healthcare team's prior protocol of waiting out MDI for a bit before switching to an insulin pump, that he would benefit most from a hybrid closed loop insulin pump. With his active lifestyle and desire to not be attached to a tube, we agreed the Omnipod 5 would be the best system for him. 

  • Within the next week, he received all of his systems and we went through the instructions to get him started on all. Within only 4 months, Colin's A1C went from 10.9% to 5.5%. To this day, we review his data together and he continues to maintain an A1C <6% and lives his life to the extent he was fearful he would be unable to when he was initially diagnosed. 

  • He is in college and despite the inevitable difficulties that come with a type 1 diagnosis, with the assistance of the Omnipod 5 and diabetes coach, he is doing extremely well all around. 

Podder #2 - Joe was Diagnosed type 1 at Age 5.5 in the 1970’s

  • Joe was diagnosed in the 70’s when there was hardly any technology to assist diabetics in effectively managing their diabetes. He explains that for over 40 years, he did his best in managing his diabetes with the tools and knowledge he had, but that it was always subpar. 

  • He was referred to me, for diabetes coaching, by his Endocrinologist in 2021 and at that time, we discussed how he feels he “manages”, but never really feels he’s doing very well or has had a good understanding of how to manage his diabetes better. We discussed his busy lifestyle and the several treatment options with the various technology, and together agreed the Omnipod 5 would likely work best for him.

  • At that time, we ordered his supplies, trained him on a Dexcom sensor and the Omnipod 5, and got him up and running. Shortly after starting, and in addition to coaching sessions in which we discussed other lifestyle adjustments that would benefit, Joe expressed how he “never knew how bad I actually felt, until I felt better”. This is by far one of my favorite quotes.

  • For several years, his A1C hovered between 7.8% - 9% and now, his most recent A1C was 5.6% and he has been maintaining a similar A1C  for quite some time. He  expressed how manageable type 1 diabetes actually can be and how his life has improved so much since starting diabetes coaching and the Omnipod 5. 

Podder # 3 - Russell was diagnosed type 2 at age in the 1990's

  • Diagnosed in the 1990's, when there was still a deficit in the technological advancements for treatment of diabetes. As a nurse, Russ is very knowledgeable in the treatment of diabetes in general, but with lack of resources at that time, wasn't managing as well as he desired to.

  • He was treated with oral medication for 7 years, but then started on multiple daily insulin injections approximately 20 years ago and has been injecting several shots/day since. He explains he had all the struggles that diabetics encounter with his A1C anywhere between 8.6% and 12%

  • Several months ago, Russ and I briefly spoke about options and what I thought may help him. He explained he often bottomed out around lunch time, because he took a considerable dose in the morning to correct his morning high, but then felt awful going into lunch.

  • We agreed getting on a CGM and trying the Omnipod 5 would likely alleviate most of the issues he was having. Current day, he is approx 3 months into his new systems (Dexcom G7 and Omnipod 5) and has lowered his A1C to 6.8% and feeling better than he has in years. Russ expressed how grateful he is for going onto the Omnipod 5 and having such amazing and beneficial results, and expressed he beleives these changes have added years to his life.

How Omnipod 5 Impacts A1C Levels 

The Omnipod 5 AID system reduces fluctuations in glucose, is targeted and personalized to individual needs, increases user compliance and medication adherence, is extremely user friendly and clinical data shows an A1C reduction and increase in time in range (TIR) with its use.

Omnipod 5 eliminates need for multiple daily injections
No more MDI (multiple daily injections)

With the basal rate being automated and continuously adjusting to individual needs, it often decreased the overall insulin need as the rate is very targeted to the need. Receiving this automated insulin immediately increases medication adherence and eliminates the need to inject MDI. 

With the system being very user friendly, most users feel a lot less intimated by it when compared to some of the other systems, thereby increasing compliance. The app is simple to navigate and most users report believing it to be self explanatory after initial training. 

Receiving FDA approval for type 2 diabetics, in addition to type 1’s, will enhance the benefits of reduction in A1C for so many more people living with diabetes. 


While the Omnipod 5 is a powerful tool for managing diabetes and reducing glucose and A1C, please remember - results will vary. It is pertinent to work with your healthcare provider to optimize your diabetes management plan and to choose a system that works best for your lifestyle and preferences.

If you would like to learn more about the Omnipod 5 or other insulin delivery systems, book your free call with me now!  I can help you understand which one is a good fit for you and help you  learn how to use your new device.

About the Author

CDCES Omnipod 5 Certified Pump Trainer (CPT)

Hi! I’m Beth, a Registered Nurse and Certified Diabetes Educator. I provide diabetes coaching for newly diagnosed people with diabetes and also work with people who have been living with diabetes for some time.

With 1:1 coaching, you will feel Empowered and supported to confidently manage your diabetes effectively - without it controlling your life! I can help you make sure that you feel good, stay in optimal health and take care of your well-being at all times.

First call is on me! Let’s talk.

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